Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Stop Press! Gateway Start Up Course in Lairg 19th/20th August

Due to some considerable demand, we have managed to arrange a short notice 2-day start up course at the Lairg Learning Centre on the 19th/20th August from 9.30am to 4.00pm each day.   The courses are suitable for any kind of business, community or social enterprise and, whilst we recommend the full two days,  it is possible to book for one day only.

There'll be the usual relaxed but informative workshops with the invaluable chance to meet others who are considering starting a new venture or, indeed, have started a business in the past few months.  All are welcome, lunch and refreshments are provided - and it's FREE.

To book, please  contact Lesley Allan on 01463 713889 or email her here