Thursday, 26 August 2010

Business Ideas Workshop

Here's a message from Charlotte Ball of UHI Links about their Idea Generation workshop

Do you have a BIG idea for your business?


Do you need a BIG idea to boost your business?

UHI HI Links is delighted to invite you to a workshop with Dr Kevin Byron which aims to help companies turn business ideas and aspirations into a reality.

Inverness College, Longman Campus
Thursday 7th October 1000-1600

The workshop is open to any business of any size , working in any sector and will be an extremely practical and interactive workshop helping companies to work through the process of bringing business change to fruition.

Dr Byron will provide practical examples and techniques which companies can take home, starting with the conception of an idea for business change and working through how a company can approach making new ideas for products and processes a reality.

During the day’s workshop UHI HI Links will also signpost participants to appropriate support and funding that businesses may be able to access at each stage of the processes and give an overview of how companies can access UHI HI Links free services.

The workshop will begin at 10:00 and finish at 16:00.

Due to the nature of the workshop spaces are limited in order to facilitate effective group working. As we only have a limited number of places we would ask any individuals wishing to sign up to complete the following short registration form no later than Friday 10th September. UHI HI Links will then inform those who have successfully gained a place on the workshop early in the week beginning 13th September).

For further information please contact Charlotte Ball ( 279 368