Wednesday 4 July 2012

Business Gateway - Specialist Teams

In Business Gateway Highland & Moray we've just formed a few specialist teams from within our ranks looking at key sectors to the Highland econonomy.  I'm on the "Creative Industries" and (unsurprisingly, some might say) the "Food & Drink" teams.

The aim is not to substitute for any of our hard-working partner organisations but just to find a way of finding out what's going on in each of these sectors, identify the key players and then passing this information on to our colleagues and clients. Similarly, each team can pass on details of Business Gateway activities to the relevant suppoprt agencies; hopefully avoiding duplication and gaps.

The Creative Industries group had brief meeting yesterday and we were pleased to welcome Gordon Brown of "Brown's Gallery" who gave us some pointers about existing support provision, his own concerns and his work with North Highland Connections.

If anyone out there connected with the Creative Industries (or Food & Drink sector) wants to make any comments about how Business Gateway can help or just wants to keep us posted on any events and activities, please don't hesitate to contact me.