Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Job Vacancies in Bonar Bridge & Fort William - Create & Employ

Highland Opportunity is advertising two recruitment advisory posts (one of which is to be based in this office)

RECRUITMENT ADVISERS - Create and Employ Project
Fixed Term to 31 March 2013 - 35 Hours per week - Starting Salary £27,846 per annum

We are currently seeking two enthusiastic Recruitment Advisers to operate as part of our Business Gateway service providing support to small businesses to encourage them to take on employees for the first time. The successful post holders will be based out of our Bonar Bridge and Fort William offices and will be required to travel extensively throughout the north, west and south Highland areas visiting clients.

The successful candidates will have experience in a business advice role and a sound understanding of employment and HR matters as well as the issues faced by small businesses. They will have excellent communication skills.

The closing date for applications is 5pm on 19 December 2011. Interviews are scheduled to take place in Inverness on 4 and 5 January 2012

More information and application packs from the Highland Opportunity website (Link)

Monday, 28 November 2011

Doing Business in Amsterdam?

Amsterdam's Flag
Here's a message from the Inverness Chamber of Commerce:

"Registration is now live for our Amsterdam preparation workshop in January.
If you think your business would benefit from coming to the Amsterdam business exchange in March this workshop will offer information and advice on doing business in the Netherlands, as well as tips on getting the most out of the business exchange.
Places are free of charge, however they are limited so book now!"

Date: 23 January 2012
Time 12noon to 2.00pm
Venue: Inverness Airport

More details and booking from the ICC website: (Link)

Henrietta's New Shop

Henrietta Ludgate, ace fashion designer & PSYBT client from Strathpeffer has opened her first store.  Based in Whiteley's Centre in London, the store will showcase Henrietta's work and house her design studio.

Full story from Tellusfashion.com
Henrietta's website: (Link)

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Golspie Mill on The Radio

Photo: Golspie Mill 

Golspie Mill (Link), producers of high-quality stoneground products from their restored watermill, are featured in this week's Radio 4 Food Programme; celebrating their success as finalists in the Food & Farming Awards

You can listen to the programme here:
I-Player Food Programme

Or download a Podcast:

Food Programme Podcast

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Launch of The Business Growth Grant

The Highland Council has launched its Business Growth Grant; funded by Highland Leader & Highland Council  - and administered by Business Gateway.

Here are the Guidelines.  (Please note: slightly different conditions apply in the Inverness area.  Contact Mark MacKintosh for details)

The purpose of the grant is to help with business growth activity such as investment associated with new service/product development, new process implementation, and accessing new markets. This may include appointment of consultancy activity or buying in specialist project work.

Grant Details
The grant is entirely at the discretion of the Regional Development Officer and the Highland Council. The intervention rate for the grant is dependent on each applicant’s situation. An average intervention of 50% is indicated.

The grant element will start at a minimum of £1,333.

The business must have been trading for a minimum of 6 months and no more than 2 years*.
The business can have any legal structure and operate in any sector or geography within the Highland Council area.

*Where a business has been trading for more than 2 years, an exception may be made if the business can demonstrate a projected increase in turnover of 100k over the next three years and or the creation of new jobs.

1. The applicant will be required to complete an application form and attach a simple business growth plan.
2. The Business Gateway Advisor will assess the application and endorse the application.
3. The application form will be send to the Highland Council for final approval and processing.
4. An offer letter and grant claim form will be sent to the applicant within 10 days of receipt of completed application form.
5. Future follow up will be made by the Business Gateway Advisor to get feedback on progress and provide further support where appropriate.
6. If a grant application is declined, once it has reached the Highland Council, the applicant will receive a formal explanation outlining the reasons for this.

1. Each applicant to work with the local business advisor to agree a business growth plan with appropriate targets/outcomes.
2. Each applicant will agree to further contact with Business Gateway to provide business information on your return on investment/grant to allow evaluation of the project.
3. Each applicant must produce 3 written quotations for items of expenditure between £1,000 and £25,000.
4. To claim the grant, the applicant will need to provide original invoices, and copy of the original bank statement or credit card bill showing the transaction.
5. Any publicity associated with the grant must acknowledge both LEADER and Highland Council funding and contain the appropriate logos.
6. If more than one activity is planned over a period of time, this should be incorporated into one application rather than multiple applications.
7. The grant should be claimed within 3 months of completion of your project and no claims can be submitted after the 31st March 2013

Please Note, in all grant applications and claims, the following costs are ineligible:

1. Core staff costs - costs must be LEADER project specific
2. Continuation of existing services – the project must demonstrate some innovation
3. Applications whose main purpose is simply to repair an existing buildings or facility
4. Contributions towards statutory service provision
5. General overhead costs unrelated to project delivery
6. Financial / Bank charges
7. Recoverable VAT
9. Civic art and Sculpture
10. Prize money
11. Alcohol

If you're based in Sutherland and would like further information, please contact me (Email).
For other locations in the Highland Council area, please get in touch with your nearest Business Gateway Regional Development Officer.  Contact details are here: http://www.highland-opportunity.com/Service_Network.html

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Sutherland Secrets - "The Insider's Guide"

Lairg and Brora Learning Centres are launching a local history project to produce an "Alternative Guide to Sutherland"  The first meeting will be held at Lairg LC on 23 November 2011 from 2pm to 3pm.  For more details or to book contact: Jane at the LLC on 01549 402050 or Email: jane-lairglearningcentre@hotmail.co.uk

Monday, 21 November 2011

Transport Scotland: Rail Consultation Process

Given the importance of the rail network to those of us living and working in the North, it is worth noting that Transport Scotland have issued a consultation process about the future of the rail network from 2014.  This will include the future of the Sleeper Service, rural stations and schedules.  

From Transport Scotland:  

"Rail users and stakeholders are being asked to play their part in shaping Scotland's rail services with passenger interests at the heart.

In 2014, both the current contract for rail passenger services (ScotRail) and the funding arrangements for Network Rail in Scotland are due to come to an end and new arrangements have to be in place. This consultation is a crucial part of our considerations.

There will be a number of rail station events throughout the consultation. Promotional postcards are being distributed at the station events throughout the consultation."

Full details from the Transport Scotland website: (Link)

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Are you looking for better mobile phone coverage in your community?

From Rural Gateway: 
"Vodafone is seeking rural communities from across the UK to participate in a trial to extend mobile phone coverage in not-spot areas.
Ideally the trial communities will have around 500 - 1000 people, will be mobile coverage not-spots but will have access to good broadband connectivity. This is likely to be via BT fixed-line access, although a wifi solution or broadband from another provider may be able to be used if available. more communities to provide coverage in areas where it is currently uneconomic or inappropriate to place mobile phone masts. We're therefore extending the trial to include an additional 12 communities and aim for them to begin their own trials in Spring 2012."

More details from our friends at Rural Gateway: Link

Monday, 14 November 2011

Real-Life Entrepreneurs Event, 29th November 2011

Here's an invite to a business event,  from David Richardson, Development Manager of the Federation of Small Business:

"I would like to invite you attend the North of Scotland launch of the FSB’s important new Real-Life Entrepreneur Campaign (Link)

To launch the Campaign 
To stimulate interest in entrepreneurship 
To provide a range of relevant businesses information 
To provide a forum for networking between businesses and between businesses and public sector agencies and politicians

Venue: Inverness Caledonian Thistle Football Stadium
Date:: Tuesday 29th November
Time: 10.30am – 4.00pm
Sustenance: Tea & coffee on arrival and departure and a buffet lunch

Cost: Free to all

Guest List: All FSB members in the Highlands & Islands and Moray
Non-members small businesses
People thinking about setting up in business for themselves
Representatives from business support agencies
Local and national politicians

At the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), we know that going into business can be the best thing a person can do. However, we also know that it is a daunting task at the best of times – and doubly so in the current economic climate.

In short, if we are to grow, broaden and strengthen our economy, we must make it as easy as possible for people with entrepreneurial flair to start up – and remain – in business. This is what the FSB’s new Real-Life Entrepreneurs Campaign is all about.

We have taken the six most common problems faced by today’s entrepreneurs and set out, clearly and concisely, what the FSB can do to assist and what we are asking Government to do to play its part. The Campaign also highlights examples of typical members who have received practical help in each of these areas.

I am therefore delighted to invite you to the launch of our Real Life Entrepreneurs Campaign in the North of Scotland.

The event will be led by Mike Southon, Financial Times columnist and author of “The Beer Mat Entrepreneur”.

R.S.V.P. David Richardson (email by Wednesday 23rd November

Please note: numbers are restricted so bookings will be accepted on a first-come basis

Business Gateway and other business agencies will be attending the event.

Young Enterprise Scotland

I'm really looking forward to being one of the Judges at the Young Enterprise Scotland "Dragons' Den" Event this Friday.  Apparently, we are listening to 3minute pitches from this year's (inevitably high-achieving) Highland & Moray YES teams  - and we can then award them some development cash.   I also know that some of  my colleagues are advisers to a couple of the teams - which should be interesting.

This event is part of the Fusion Conference; the major business networking event in the Highlands and Islands.  No pressure, then.

Friday, 11 November 2011

EVENT CANCELLED : Business Gateway Roadshow in Ullapool - 16th November 2011

Please note that the Business Gateway Roadshow planned for Ullapool on the 16th November has been CANCELLED.  We apologize for any inconvenience that this might have caused.

Farr Safer - Don't Slip Up!

Just a reminder that the enterprising students of Farr High School are importing and selling their famous Heel Cleats again this winter.  For safety (and dignity) when conditions turn treacherous, you couldn't do better than invest in these high quality items; tested in the Scandinavian winter.

Contact Farr Safer through the website: (Link)

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Apparently, Christmas is Coming...

OK, it's the first mention of the Festive Season on this blog but, in addition to brilliant gifts from makers across the Highlands, there are some extremely talented young people supported by The Prince's Scottish Youth Business Trust who can solve all your Christmas gift uncertainty.

To prove this, PSYBT has produced a Gift Guide showcasing the work of dozens of their clients  - and you can download it from here : PSYBT Gift Guide 2011

By the way, if you're a Highland PSYBT client (past & present) and you'd like to be included in any future PSYBT promotions, please get in touch with PSYBT Regional Manager, Alithea Watson

Do You Know About Tourism Intelligence Scotland?

If you're involved with any aspect of tourism and hospitality, you will definitely find it useful to register with Tourism Intelligence Scotland: http://www.tourism-intelligence.co.uk/

The site contains vast amounts of information and advice about the hospitality industry in Scotland and beyond, which is vital for efficient planning and successful business development.  There is also a wide range of guides to many aspects of activity tourism, e.g. Wildlife, heritage, food & drink, cycling and fishing.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Assynt Enterprise Club

Just back from the inaugural meeting of the Assynt Enterprise Club which is building on the work of the now-defunct (but hopefully soon to be resurrected) "Learn 2 Be Enterprising project". 

Invited by Learning Centre Manager, Sharon Bartram, local businesses took the opportunity to meet Federation of Small Business Chair, Joan Campbell to hear about the benefits of FSB membership. It was also good to catch up with businesses which have started trading over the past year -  following support from L2BE and, naturally, Business Gateway.

Ambitious For Tourism - Caithness & North Sutherland


Here's a message from HIE's Rachel Skene about a series of tourism development events in Caithness and the North. 

To download full details, follow this link (Ambitious For Tourism )
Do you want to make more of tourism for your business,
enterprise and community?
Be part of driving development forward; making more of
opportunities and shaping tourism at a local level & across the

Be at your area event:

 Part of Highlands and Islands Enterprise Ambitious for Tourism Caithness and
North Sutherland – for full ATCNS report: http://www.hie.co.uk/highlands-andislands/economic-reports-and-research/
For details  Contact: Rachel.skene@hient.couk
01847 805237/ 07796651306