Wednesday, 9 February 2011

UHI Management School

I'm very pleased to be part of the Steering Group for the new Management School at the University of the Highlands & Islands ("UHI Millennium Institute" no more!) and we hope that the business community within our area will take advantage of its courses as part of the business development process.

Here's an update from Fiona Ryan, The Management School's newly-appointed Project Officer:

Introducing UHI's new Management School

The Management School, which is headed up by Euan Black, was launched on 1 August 2010 and has been created to ensure that organisations in the Highlands & Islands and beyond have access to high-quality management training and education. To read more about this exciting venture please access the first edition of the Management School's newsletter here:

The Postgraduate Certificate in Enterprise and eMarketing, which has been commended for its innovation and relevance to SME’s, focuses on business growth and explores the challenges and opportunities of growing an SME, looking both at entrepreneurial leadership and marketing, particularly online or digital marketing. Information on the programme can be found here:

Leadership and Management
The second main area we have been working on is leadership. In September 2010 we launched an MSc in Leadership and Management, this programme is aimed more at those working in medium, larger and public sector organisations and is about supporting individuals take on increased leadership responsibilities effectively. The programme is built on extensive experience we have had working with the health sector, where we deliver a very successful national leadership programme. The Masters programme is made up of a postgraduate certificate, diploma and masters qualifications, information on these can be found via the following links:

For further information, please contact Fiona Ryan, via the Management School website