Thursday, 26 August 2010

Business Ideas Workshop

Here's a message from Charlotte Ball of UHI Links about their Idea Generation workshop

Do you have a BIG idea for your business?


Do you need a BIG idea to boost your business?

UHI HI Links is delighted to invite you to a workshop with Dr Kevin Byron which aims to help companies turn business ideas and aspirations into a reality.

Inverness College, Longman Campus
Thursday 7th October 1000-1600

The workshop is open to any business of any size , working in any sector and will be an extremely practical and interactive workshop helping companies to work through the process of bringing business change to fruition.

Dr Byron will provide practical examples and techniques which companies can take home, starting with the conception of an idea for business change and working through how a company can approach making new ideas for products and processes a reality.

During the day’s workshop UHI HI Links will also signpost participants to appropriate support and funding that businesses may be able to access at each stage of the processes and give an overview of how companies can access UHI HI Links free services.

The workshop will begin at 10:00 and finish at 16:00.

Due to the nature of the workshop spaces are limited in order to facilitate effective group working. As we only have a limited number of places we would ask any individuals wishing to sign up to complete the following short registration form no later than Friday 10th September. UHI HI Links will then inform those who have successfully gained a place on the workshop early in the week beginning 13th September).

For further information please contact Charlotte Ball ( 279 368

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Gateway/HIE Meeting

This might not be interesting for anyone (everyone?) who wasn't there but I've spent the day with Gateway colleagues and Highlands & Islands Enterprise staff from all over the Region.  We were challenged to come up with ways to work better together and to do something to reduce the confusion out there, in Enterprise Land, about our respective roles.

And, you know, I think it worked.

Business Idea Competition - now with added Social Enterprise

Well, it's that time of year again.  Here's a message from our friends at UHI and Create.

"To encourage enterprise and innovation in the region, UHI is launching the 2010 Business Idea Competition for commercial or social enterprise ideas. Last year this competition was extremely successful, with high quality ideas coming forward. Since the competition we have actually seen a number of entrants commence trading.

We think there are many people in the region with interesting and innovative commercial business or social enterprise ideas and we want to encourage them. This competition is simple and straightforward to enter, with only five questions to answer. All the entrants will be given advice on how to take their ideas forward and can win money at the same time.

The competition is open to everyone living in the Highlands and Islands, Perth-shire or Moray aged 16 or over who has a great idea for a business, this includes Social Enterprise concepts. Ideas should be submitted to our expert panel of judges by Wednesday 27th October 2010 to be eligible to win a share of our £3,800 prize fund."

For more details and to download a copy of the ridiculously simple Application Form, follow this link

Monday, 23 August 2010

HIE Creative Industries Newsletter - August 2010

Highlands & Islands Enterprise's Creative Industries Team have issued their latest, very informative, newsletter.  You can download a copy via the link below:

Link to PDF Document

For further info, contact

Susan Purvis - Creative Industries Development Manager

Tel: 01463 244 484

Friday, 20 August 2010

Client Snapshot - Global People Solutions


Darren Peattie started Global People Solutions Ltd in early 2010, based in Skerray on the north coast of Sutherland.  Providing a complete recruitment service to the Energy and Renewables sector, the business was launched with the help of a Business Gateway Rural Development Grant and proves that world-class businesses can be run successfully from even the most remote parts of our County.

In addition to the recruitment consultancy, Darren is passionate about introducing young people to careers in the energy industries and will be launching an initiative to promote the sector within schools.

For more information about Darren's business see: Link

Photo: Clive Grewcock

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Would you like the chance to sell your products at a Farmers' Market?

Russell Smith of the Scottish Crofting Foundation has come up with an initiative to help producers and makers sell their products at Farmers' Markets.  Primarily situated at Dornoch Farmer's Market but hopefully expanding further afield, the scheme is aimed at start-up businesses in food production and crafts sectors.

Annual Membership is £15, and stall costs for each market are £10 for a full-size stall or free for a shared stall.

This seems to be a great way of undertaking some practical market research, in addition to generating cash for your business.

For further information, contact Russell on 01863  766144 or Sarah Wealing on 01408 641469.

Enterprise Roadshow - 12 October 2010

Here's a quick heads up about the Highland Opportunity/Business Gateway Roadshow to be held in Dornoch on the 12th October.  This afternoon/early evening event promises to be both informative and enjoyable. It aims to provide an opportunity for businesses to meet each other and representatives from, among others, Business Gateway, HOL, Enterprise Europe, PSYBT etc.

Put it in your diary now and there'll be regular updates over the coming weeks......

Monday, 16 August 2010

Congratulations to the Crannag Bistro

The Crannag Bistro, Bonar Bridge (Link) , is one of the six finalists in the "Taste of the Highlands; Restaurant of the Year Competition" (snappy title) sponsored by Williamson Foodservice.

We wish Ian and Kathy Smith, ace proprietors of the Crannag, every success at the Final to be held in October.

For more information about the Awards follow this Link.

Back in the Office

For anyone interested, I'm back in Bonar  having returned unscathed from the mean streets of Nottingham.  Hopefully,  I managed to keep on top of most of the immediate issues but thanks to everyone for their patience and support while I was away.

Friday, 13 August 2010

Client Snapshot - Barbara MacLeod Jewellery Design

Barbara MacLeod, from Lochinver, started her jewellery business after graduating from Duncan of Jordanstone College and returning to her native North West Sutherland.  Her pieces are produced as commissions or in very small batches and combine the traditional jeweller's skills with the latest in 3D Modelling and photo-etching techniques.

She was assisted with marketing funds by Business Gateway and The Prince's Scottish Youth Business Trust (PSYBT). 

To find out more about Barbara's business visit her website here:  Link

Photo's Clive Grewcock

We do try, you know...

Gateway in Highland is coming up to its (official) first  birthday and, as part of our regular get-togethers, Jennifer Irvine (RDO Caithness) and I met with our colleagues in HIE recently to try and sort out any confusions that have developed about our respective roles.  And I think we did. 

Hopefully this means that we can get clients to the most appropriate support in the most efficient and effective manner.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Learning to Be Enterprising - Lairg

Lairg and Brora Learning Centres are developing a course for those at the first stages of considering starting enterprise.  The "Learning to be Enterprising" (LTBE) programme is aimed at those who may feel that they need some additional learning support before contacting, for example, Business Gateway.

Topics will include the European Computer  Driving Licence (ECDL), First Aid, basic business and communication skills  - with direct links to vocational training provision where available.

LTBE clients will be linked to local Business Gateway support, where appropriate, and BG will be asking some of our clients to act as case studies for the initiative.

For information about "Learning to be Enterprising" contact Kelly MacKay as follows:

email: Kelly MacKay
Telephone 01549 402050/ 01408 622707

Monday, 9 August 2010

DK at Go4It

I include this without comment other than "Business Start Specialist" is probably over-egging it a bit.....

Video by Highland Productions and filmed at Inverness College as part of Go4It on 3 June 2010.

"Riding through the Glen......"

I'm in sunny Nottingham at the moment, getting intimately involved with the NHS, but (thanks to Sir Tim Berners-Lee) I seem to be able to run my little empire just as well from down here.  Not quite the same outlook, though.

Farewell "Off Our Rockers"

The members of "Off Our Rockers" held a dinner on Thursday night at the Ben Loyal Hotel, Tongue, to thank Link Teacher, David Charnley, for all of his efforts during their YES campaign.  Coinciding with the Higher results, we took the opportunity of celebrating the students' own  achievements as they look forward to the next stage of their education and careers. 

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Stop Press! Gateway Start Up Course in Lairg 19th/20th August

Due to some considerable demand, we have managed to arrange a short notice 2-day start up course at the Lairg Learning Centre on the 19th/20th August from 9.30am to 4.00pm each day.   The courses are suitable for any kind of business, community or social enterprise and, whilst we recommend the full two days,  it is possible to book for one day only.

There'll be the usual relaxed but informative workshops with the invaluable chance to meet others who are considering starting a new venture or, indeed, have started a business in the past few months.  All are welcome, lunch and refreshments are provided - and it's FREE.

To book, please  contact Lesley Allan on 01463 713889 or email her here