Monday, 30 April 2012

Adopt An Intern

The "Adopt an Intern" Initiative  - which matches unemployed graduates to businesses looking to recruit them  - has been launched in Highland by the Centre for Scottish Public Policy in partnership with the Highland Council.

For more information, follow this link

Friday, 27 April 2012

Race For Life: The Highland Opportunity Team

The good ladies of Highland Opportunity are entering the Race for Life; running/walking/ambling 5km in aid of Cancer Research UK. 

Marie, Michelle, Lesley, Ilona and (gulp) Alithea, who call themselves "The Hollies" (geddit?) will be starting out on in Bught Park, Inverness on the 6th May at 1pm  - and Alithea will be finishing sometime in early June.   As this is the longest walk that Alithea has undertaken in many years, we are also having a side bet on when she stops for her first cigarette/bacon roll/pint of Tennents.

This is a great cause to support and you can donate through the Hollies "Just Giving" Page

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Kyle of Sutherland Business Network

If you have  - or are planning to start - a business in the Kyle of Sutherland, you should be part of the Kyle of Sutherland Business Network.

The Network will be launched on 25th April in Bonar Bridge Community Hall at 5.30pm.  For more information, contact Community Development Officer, Lynsey Burns

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Mandy Haggith on Mike Ellis, Woodsman

There's a great article on the Northings Blog about Helmsdale's Mike Ellis, traditional woodsman:

"MOST of the crafts people I have interviewed are keen to be thought of as artists, so it is interesting to meet someone who views being seen as ‘arty farty’ as ‘a danger.’ Mike Ellis works as a woodsman, and though some of the things he makes may be beautiful, they are not, in his view, works of art.

IN Mike’s workshop, its walls lined with an extraordinary collection of tools, there is a gate, hand-made from greenwood, its shape coming from the natural bends of oak and ash branches held together with beech pegs. Such an object has both the value of scarcity and is refreshing to modern eyes, so used to the geometric precision of industrial products. I could easily be persuaded to call it art, but it’s not at all clear Mike would be pleased if I did....."

Read the rest of the article here

Monday, 2 April 2012

Create: Introduction to Creative Thinking

The lovely people at Inverness College's Create programme have anounced a new workshop to be held on 23 May 2012.

"Introduction to Creative Thinking and Idea Generation is a free one day course offered by CREATE, Inverness College’s enterprise centre. The workshop will introduce you to: the concepts of creativity and innovation; more effective brainstorming; and provide tools to help you find and develop new ideas for your business."

For more info, follow this link

Farewell to Mark

Last Thursday saw the retiral party for Mark Strudwick CBE, outgoing Chief Exec of PSYBT.

At a packed event in Sloan's, Glasgow,  Mark's career with PSYBT was celebrated by staff, volunteers, clients and other friends.  We all had a great time and, personally, it was an opportunity to thank Mark for his work as a true friend of the Highlands; supporting not only our clients but also me and, latterly, Alithea Watson in our roles as PSYBT Regional Managers.

We all wish Mark the very best - and we're sure that a pipe and slippers won't play a significant part in his retirement...

Part of the Highland contribution to Mark's considerable hoard of leaving gifts was a specially-composed tune from PSYBT client, Graeme MacKay

All photo's © Malcolm Cochrane Photography